Frequently Asked Questions

Post Approval

When will my post be approved or why hasn’t my post been approved?

Good question! How soon your post will be approved depends a great deal on you. Quality content* will always have priority for approval. Posts that are clear, concise, and to the point are easier to review at scale.

There will be other considerations as well. If our team doesn’t have the time or ability to decipher the meaning of a particularly cryptic post, we may defer approval until a time that we are sufficiently confident of a translation, analysis of its subtext, or has been deemed to be within the bounds of our community rules and guidelines.  

* Please refer below to “what constitutes ‘quality’ content?”

Why was my post denied?

Post submissions are compared directly to community rules and guidelines governing content moderation. If your work that was submitted and did not adhere to the rules and guidelines, the spirit behind the rules and guidelines, and not in adherence to the social contract, your post may be deleted without notice.

Typically declined submissions will have the specifically violated rule referenced and may include a brief handwritten message outlining why the submission was denied. Due to the sheer quantity of submissions, we may not be able to, at length, provide a reason.

Sometimes, low quality* or repeat posts simply because the message was so vague and/or subtle that it had no clear relationship to the Cantonese Community will be denied. While we strive to accept all relevant posts and try to give the benefit of the doubt to you, as authors, the members of the content moderation team are people as well and will often have slightly varying opinions on what’s appropriate and what is not.

*Please refer below to understand “what constitutes ‘quality’ content”.

What constitutes ‘Quality’ content?

As a community, we strive to post relevant and meaningful content that can help add to our community. If your submission includes clear intentions (meme, call-to-action, community services, interesting article, just to name a few) and is easily understood by others, the likelihood of being quickly approved increases. Remember, this is your opportunity to be a steward for your community.

Why was “x” post approved but my post wasn’t approved?

Was your post an identical post? Did your posts seem similar? There are a variety of reasons why content is moderated. However, more often than not, the differences are subtle, and the nuanced differences are what gets a post approved or denied.

Membership and Content Moderation

Why was I muted?

We take violations to the community rules very seriously.  If you are in violation of a group rule, you will be muted for a duration that fits the severity and context of the rule broken during your participation in a discussion or debate.  We have no tolerance to rudeness, deliberate provocation, and, but not limited to, those who are not respectful.

Take a moment to think if you were the target of your own comments, how would you feel? Conversations with other people within our group are with actual people like yourself.  We all come from different backgrounds, there are 68,000,000 million others of Cantonese identity and culture, your point of view is a small representation of the whole diaspora.

Why am I blocked and removed from this group?

Users are removed from the group and banned due to violations to the agreed upon rules when you first joined the group. Repeat violations or serious violations can result in a ban.

Why was my post deleted?

There are a variety of reasons why your post might have been deleted. Here are a list of reasons why your post might have been deleted:

  • If the original post varies greatly from the current content that is being displayed. Sometimes users attempt to circumvent community rules by posting content that is approved by current rules but then change the content to something that is not approved.

    • Not only is this type of behavior subject to moderation, it might result in a warning, muting, and loss of privileges within the group.

  • Your content while well meaning might have been flagged against Facebook’s quality guidelines and could have been deleted by Facebook.  These posts typically will include a message from Facebook.

  • Your content while well meaning might include fake news which could affect the group’s standing with Facebook.  It may have been proactively deleted to prevent the group from being deleted by Facebook.

Why was my comment deleted?

Where the comment is in direct violation of group rules, it will be deleted.


I reported a post or a comment. Did the SCT Team review it? Why is it still there?

Posts or comments that have been reported may not necessarily be removed following a review. Each is addressed according to the degree of offense, whether it can be understood as a misunderstanding, of misinterpreted intentions, or direct insult / harassment. Please review the group rules for more information.


Can I promote my business?

Yes, at the moment, you can do this under our Cantonese supporting Cantonese Flex Fridays post, but we will be introducing more service-specific promotion posts in the future. Additionally, depending on the context we may be able to assist further.

Can I promote a social service?

Yes! Absolutely! We are always looking for ways to help our community at large*.  If you have a social service, please note the following in your post:

  • Name

  • Location

  • Contact Information

  • Hours

  • Services Provided

  • Languages spoken 

*Not only will this post be approved, we’ll include it in our directory for social services.

Can I ask for help with charity/crowdfunding? 

You can ask for help with Charity/Crowdfunding, however, this will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.  Additionally, whether or not it meets the requirements of our groups rules. 

General Group Information

How do I contact the SCT team? 

You can reach out to the SCT Team by direct messaging the Subtle Cantonese Traits page or Email Us.

Why aren’t politics allowed?

Like many other members, we strongly believe in political activism and each have a guiding star that we follow without reservation.  With that said, our beliefs do not exist in a vacuum.  Political beliefs do not exist in a vacuum.  Our lives do not exist in a vacuum. 

Each guiding star when aligned fills us all with harmony and when they do not, the situation can be disharmonious.  

We respect that everyone has strong beliefs and their own individual voice.  No two people have different lived identical experiences but through the magic of our shared Cantonese culture we can transcend differences and create our own harmony.

Political discourse, the act of reasonably and respectfully discussing politics and their effect on society, can be done.  However, the current divisive political climate and the lack of a universal social contract regarding discussion prevents us from doing this at scale.

How do I become a moderator?

There are currently no plans to expand the team. However, keep an eye out as we may in the future.